Research publications
1) D. Michail, N.Kanakaris, I. Varlamis. Detection of fake news campaigns using graph convolutional networks, International Journal of Information Management Data Insights Volume 2, Issue 2, November 2022, 100104
2) I. Varlamis, D. Michail, F. Glykou, and P. Tsantilas. A Survey on the Use of Graph Convolutional Networks for Combating Fake News, Future Internet, 2022, vol. 14, issue 3, 1-19. MDPI
3) I. Varlamis, N. Kanakaris, D. Michail. A comparative survey of graph databases and software for social network analytics: The link prediction perspective. in “Social Media Analytics using Graph Databases” book by Christos Tjortjis (editor). Springer. To appear
4) J. A. Nasir, S. Khan, I. Varlamis. Fake news detection: A hybrid CNN-RNN based deep learning approach. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights. Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2021, 100007